Progress! Progress? Progress…

I received a phone call from the ENT-Surgeon today.  He and my oncologist huddled up and gave me their recommended course of action:  Tonsillectomy, allowing a full biopsy of the cancerous tissues which will eventually lead to a definitive course of action post surgery. I am now scheduled for surgery on November 5th.  We have […]

Here we go again!

Cancer number THREE: Papillare carcinoma in the left side of my thyroid.   WTF! Just when I thought the world great and God was smiling on me, I get slapped in the neck with this crap. I was hoping – really hoping – that the biopsy would be the worst of this, but …. WHAT […]

Great News This Rainy Thursday Morning!

And a GREAT way to start the month of September!   The doctor called with my PET and CT scan results – all four areas where there was lymphatic cancer  have decreased in numbers (size) and the lung nodule (which has also decreased in size) is probably caused by inflammation – not cancer related.  Great […]


Wow! What a difference twenty-eight days can make! Today’s Rituxin / Bendamustine infusions went smoothly. Very smoothly – thanks to the one week Claritin and two day Prednisone pretreatment… The Rituxin was administered in just five hours without any drawbacks as was a quick 45 minute Bendomustine drip which followed immediately. I’m not as jittery as […]

While in the surgeon’s waiting room today…

Today, I am at a routine follow-up visit at the surgeon’s office (from the appendix surgery).  While in the waiting room; I got to talking to an older but  all around healthy looking gentleman with a very noticeable Irish brogue.  Most of you know that I’m the talkative / conversational type – I got to […]

Some random thoughts… 

MOVING DAY : Today we are moving the majority of our STUFF out of our home (of almost 16 years) into storage and my in-laws.  It is very bitter-sweet.  We brought 3 babies home; lived, loved, laughed and cried a lot;   talked, whispered, and yelled a lot – all in that little home.  It will […]